Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Japan's Woes

All the world has turned to Japan in the last couple of weeks, and rightly so, for the troubles that have overtaken them due to the 9.0 earthquake and following tsunami.  Our family can only sit and pray for them daily.  But we also have our own questions. We too live on the Pacific Ring of Fire, thus as New Zealand and Japan, we can expect that an earthquake can come at anytime. Are we prepared for that?

Some of the reports from Japan told of the many warning devices that the Japanese goverment had in place to warn of earthquakes and tsunamis, this gave many a chance to get to higher ground. We don't have much of a warning system here, so we had better get prepared on our own.

Our family's hobbies are built around "doing things the old-fashioned way." We like primitive camping trips, learning black-smithing, knitting, sewing, crocheting, candle making, canning, cooking & baking in cast-iron dutch ovens, chickens, gardening, and so many other things. But we need to turn those things into how to prepare for extended periods of power and water outages. Do we have adequate fuel storage? water? food?
How about a communication plan? How are we going to help our parents? our neighbors?

So, the kids are going to be getting a new course in school "Disaster Preparation." We have all passed basic first aid, but we have much more to do. My husband has his ham-radio licence. My oldest son and I will be taking a class soon to get ours and the rest of the kids soon after that. We are working on our plan, our checklist of improvements to the house, and getting our "to go" kits ready. I'll post more as we get them printed.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sitting down for a cup of tea, or coffee

When I was a young wife, and a young mother, I loved being able to sit down and just chat with a lady who had been a little further down the road than I had been. Now I look around me and find that I am that person. I don't have all the answers, and I don't think those women before me did either, but they sat with me and talked and let me learn from them.

So, maybe, I have some things to say that will help a young wife or mother following the path behind me. Something to encourage her day.

I used to like to sit and chat over coffee, hence the name Java Jane's, but I've since changed to a nice cup of tea. But the atmosphere is the same, slowing down and chatting things through. So, if you like coffee, or tea, make a cup and sit down and rest awhile.