Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sitting down for a cup of tea, or coffee …

When I was a young wife, and a young mother, I loved being able to sit down and just chat with a lady who had been a little further down the road than I had been. Now I look around me and find that I am that person. I don't have all the answers, and I don't think those women before me did either, but they sat with me and talked and let me learn from them.

So, maybe, I have some things to say that will help a young wife or mother following the path behind me. Maybe I do have a little something to encourage her day.

I used to like to sit and chat over coffee, hence the name Java Jane's, but I've since changed to a nice cup of tea. But the atmosphere is the same, slowing down and chatting things through. So, if you like coffee, or tea, make a cup and sit down and rest awhile.

That is the hardest part…stopping…sitting down…resting. Try it this month. I encourage you to begin to set aside some time each week to have a quiet cup of tea, or coffee. Read a book you’ve been wanting to read, talk to a friend, or sit outside and watch the birds. It may drive you nuts at first, but keep trying, reach for rest.

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